Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find my subscription payment receipt?

Via online account - navigate to subscription management > next to applicable vehicle, click buy subscription > click Download Latest Receipt.

Via App - Settings > Subscription > Click Vehicle Reg > Installation Certificate > Download and forward as required.

My latest journey doesn’t show in the app.

Low GSM signal in the finish location of the journey is the most common cause for this. Or, if the journey was a long one then the device can enter into sleep mode (low power draw) before the journey history has been logged. The journey data will back fill over the next journey in the vehicle or GSM coverage is improved.

Where do I find my installation certificate?

Via online account - navigate to subscription management > next to applicable vehicle, click Installation Certificate > Automatic Download begins.

Via App - Settings > Subscription > Click Vehicle Reg > Manage Subscription > Download Latest Receipt

Can I buy more Driver ID tags?

Yes, you can buy additional Driver ID Tags. They can be shipped directly to you and paired with no engineer visit required. Once in your possession simply email through to with your vehicle registration in the subject field. We will then set the command to pair the tag, take this and the working tag with you on your next journey and the tag will pair seamlessly.

Phone Tag via the app won’t work.

Ensure you mobile phones software is up to date and download the latest version of our app from the applicable App Store.

Follow the instructions from the Phone Tag tab with the settings menu on the app.

If unsuccessful there may be a compatibility issue between our app and the mobile device. Please use the provided driver identification tag until app updates are released.

Updates to the app will often follow quite quickly after mobile device software updates, generally 5 to 10 days.

Phone Tag via the app stopped working.

From the Phone Tag tab in Settings, click debug (phone dependant), close the app down completely and reopen the app. Phone Tag should reactivate.

If the mobile device has recently installed new operating software, please check the App Store for Safe Track App updates. If none are available, please check back over the coming days. Updates to the app will often follow quite quickly after mobile device software updates, generally 5 to 10 days.

How do I reduce sensitivity for phone tag?

Open the app > Settings > Phone Tag > Scroll down to Sensitivity > Drag the slider to 1/3rd (recommended setting).

How do you disable alerts for Phone Tag?

Open the app > Settings > Phone Tag > Phone Tag Notifications > Click the button On/Off

Set alerts for ignition on and others.

From the online account, click vehicle settings > Alerts > Create Alert. Name the alert, Level set Alarm, Choose Alert Type > Add Email Addresses & App users as required > Choose times for alerts to be active > Create Alert.

Go back to the alerts menu, the name of the created alert will be displayed. Click Assign Vehicles, select the required vehicles, Save Changes. Alerts will now be sent to registered email addresses and app users where selected.

Can I upgrade from S7 to S5 or S5 Plus

Yes. S7 to S5 can be done remotely. S5 to S5 Plus will require installation modifications and device upgrades.

Please contact us with your vehicle registration for help with this.